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Friday, March 23, 2012

Highlight what matters in a resume

A resume is a document that summarises your skills, education and job experience in such a way, that everything of importance is mentioned for the employer to know you as a prospective employee. The website points out that since this document is seen and analyzed before they call you for an interview, the resume has to be well written and be influential enough for you to be called in for an interview and, later, end up getting the job. These are some of their basic tips for freshers.

Organise and highlight you technical skill
If you are applying for a technical job, undoubtedly, it is your technical proficiency that is going to be the most prioritised by the employer as your job qualification. The resume is studied by experts at the time of your interview, however before that it has go through many hands, most of which may not posses expertise technical knowledge. In such cases, if your resume highlights the technology part by emphasizing the keywords, it gets more chances to be sorted by non-technical people, such as the clerks, who work with the buzzwords only! The immediate question is how to achieve this? By listed or tabular representation! A list or table groups all the related keywords together and catches the attention of the viewer.

Relevance and order of qualifications controls the viewer's perception 
Listing qualifications attracts viewer's attention. In addition, the list expects an order, with the highest qualification at the top and the lowest at the bottom. It follows from two general observations. The employer is interested in knowing your highest qualification at the first viewing. The next observation is a fact that acquiring a higher qualification is possible only after an immediate lower qualification.

Grade and quantify your work experience 
Grading the work experience can be done with respect to the assigned responsibilities/targets. Work performances exceeding the work targets can be surely graded as 'outstanding'. Moreover, mentioning statistical facts in the resume such as cost saved, reduction in duration and number of work cycles, other cost saving or efficiency raising tasks can add an extra ordinary edge to your current work experience.

Add dynamics to your resume by beginning each sentence with an action verb 
If you simply mention the job responsibilities that were assigned to you, it would look like a typical job description rather than your work experience. Your active participation into it would be felt only through the action verbs. However, you should use appropriate action verbs for tasks, or else it would be misinterpreted by the reader.

Sell your skills without hesitation
Applying for a job itself indicates that you are looking for financial compensation for you skills and qualifications. How would you be getting good compensation if you are not highlighting them? Advertise your strengths/abilities as much as possible. At times, you may find that a particular skill of yours is not directly linked to the job requirements. Even then, you can add it to your resume as an extra asset.

Resume descriptions - Keep it short and focused 
How experienced you are, is what determines the length of your resume. If you are only an entry level person or holding an experience less than five years, your resume should be fit in a single page only. People who are more experienced can extend the limit up to two or three pages. However, moving beyond that would be simply wasting paper, as hardly anyone would be able to keep their patience after the third page. The only way to achieve this is by summarizing the long paragraphs describing the complete project details or company details.

Exclude irrelevant data 
Your resume is a means for in-sighting to your professional personality. Hence, including skill competencies and past work practices are necessary. Apart from these, employer may need to know some of your personal details for their office work purposes, such as the contact address, phone number, email and the date of birth. Including other personal data such as likes/dislikes, etc, all proves to be 'unused data', as they are never used.

Seek assistance from an expert to review you resume 
It may not be a professional expert. Any of your friends who you think can justifiably review your strengths and weaknesses can assist you in removing discrepancies and improving the quality of your resume.

Avoid lingual mistakes by repetitive proof reading 
Once the resume is prepared, the next task is ensuring its seamlessness. Undoubtedly, we commit numerous structuring and spelling mistakes while writing. Most of these would be encountered by the software only; still we need to perform manual proofreading again and again before printing it.

Print it on a plain, white paper
Avoid all kinds of colourful, fancy printing tricks and go for simple laser printing. After all, it is the content in resume that matters the most to the person, who is dealing with hundreds of papers daily!

Source : DNA INDIA

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