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Monday, March 26, 2012

When to quit your job

Sick leave is not just an excuse: 
You reach home late every night, too mentally and physically exhausted to think. Food is just something you shovel in about twice a day, when your stomach starts sending loud warning signals. You get recurrent headaches from staring at your computer screen. You feel like hiring a personal masseuse just to soothe your aching muscles every night. If you check-marked all the above, your body is probably giving you the signs that your job is quite literally making you sick. Health should come first.

You’ve outgrown your job
Started out as a trainee, you have reached the maximum level you can at your job. You have gathered as much work experience and people skills as is possible. Now your experience is more than what your job requires. If you feel stagnant or have become complacent because the work is too easy or too low-level, but you have greater ambitions, it’s time to start looking for a position that will allow you to grow and develop.

You have a better offer
The peanuts you get as a salary has been driving you up the wall, and there seems to be no raise in sight. Meanwhile outside, people are eager to hire you and are willing to offer a salary hike and a designation hike too. If you find this difficult to refuse, then give it serious consideration.

You’ve stopped having fun
Work has begun to be a drag. Dragging yourself out of bed every morning and to work has become a daily battle. You don’t pay much attention to how you dress or whether your work is on time, because you have just lost interest. You can’t be motivated to push yourself any further and just make card-swiping appearances in office. It’s probably time to just leave.

Your workplace environment isn’t good
You suffer the subtle and not-so-subtle sexual innuendos and jokes from your boss or co-worker because you love your job, the pay and the position. When the situation gets really unbearable and you dread meeting and talking to the said colleagues, it’s time to give up. Living in a toxic environment will only hamper your growth and your self-esteem in the long run. Bullying or harassment of any kind should not be borne beyond a point.


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